How to work with the Archives hierarchy

When the Object Type: (Object Details) in the Catalogue module is an archive (e.g. Archive - EAD, Archive - ISAD(G)), an Archives tab is added to the Ribbon:


Except for Browse, the other options on the Ribbon are only enabled when the Archives tab (listed in a module's Tabs pane) is selected in Display mode:

Archives tab

The Archives tab displays the entire contents of your Archives repository in a hierarchical view, with the current recordClosed underlined. It is possible to rearrange the hierarchy, add records to the hierarchy and view records in the hierarchy using buttons in the Ribbon and on the right hand side of the Archive tab. A context menu is also available by right-clicking in the hierarchy:

Archives context menu

Note: The Archives tab is sufficient for viewing the structure of the hierarchy for the current recordClosed, but it does not provide a simple mechanism for relocating other records within the hierarchy (i.e. records other than the current record). To address this shortcoming and provide a constant visual reminder of the archive hierarchy, EMu includes the Archive Browse panel.

You can work with an archive hierarchy, and adjust it, in several ways: